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Low temperature resistant hand lever crane Cold resistant hand lever hoist

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  • TAG :
  • hoist |
  • Cold-resistant lever hoist |
  • Time:2024-01-02


    Low-temperature-resistant lever hoists are designed to operate effectively in cold environments and are constructed with materials that can withstand low temperatures. While the specific components and materials may vary among manufacturers and models, here are the typical parts that make up low-temperature-resistant lever hoists:

    1. Load Chain:

      • The load chain is a critical component that bears the load during lifting operations. In low-temperature-resistant lever hoists, the load chain is often made of materials that retain strength and flexibility in cold conditions, such as alloy steel.

    2. Hooks:

      • Hooks are used for attaching the hoist to the load and the lifting point. They are typically made of alloy steel or stainless steel to ensure strength and resistance to cold temperatures.

    3. Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism:

      • The ratchet and pawl mechanism is essential for the hoist's lifting and lowering functions. In low-temperature-resistant lever hoists, these components are often constructed with materials that maintain their functionality in cold conditions.

    4. Handle:

      • The handle is used by the operator to manipulate the lever hoist. It is designed with materials that provide a comfortable grip and remain functional in low temperatures.

    5. Enclosure/Housing:

      • The housing or enclosure protects the internal components of the lever hoist from environmental factors, including cold temperatures. The materials used for the housing are chosen for their durability and resistance to cold.

    6. Load Limiter (Optional):

      • Some lever hoists may be equipped with a load limiter to prevent overloading. The load limiter, if present, is designed to function in low temperatures and ensure safe lifting operations.

    7. Brake System:

      • The brake system is crucial for controlling the descent of the load. It is designed with materials that maintain reliable braking performance in cold conditions.

    8. Fasteners and Screws:

      • Various fasteners and screws hold the components of the lever hoist together. These are typically made of materials that resist corrosion and maintain structural integrity in cold environments.

    9. Labels and Markings:

      • Labels and markings on the lever hoist may be made of materials that remain visible and durable in low temperatures. These markings provide important information such as load capacity, safety instructions, and compliance with standards.

    10. Seals and Gaskets:

      • Seals and gaskets help protect the internal components from moisture and other environmental elements. These components are chosen for their ability to maintain flexibility and effectiveness in cold temperatures.

    11. Lubrication:

      • The lubrication used in low-temperature-resistant lever hoists is specifically chosen to remain effective in cold conditions. It ensures smooth operation and minimizes friction.

    Manufacturers may use specialized materials and coatings to enhance the low-temperature performance of lever hoists. Users should refer to the product documentation provided by the manufacturer for detailed information on the materials used and the specific temperature ranges for which the hoist is designed. Regular maintenance and proper lubrication are essential to ensure the longevity and performance of lever hoists in cold environments.



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