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The nature and quantity of broken wires in electric hoist wire ropes

releaseTime:2024-06-17 10:14:25source:Mu TiannumberOfPageViews:0

The nature and quantity of broken wires in electric hoist wire ropes are important indicators for evaluating whether they need to be scrapped. The following is a detailed explanation about the wire breakage of the electric hoist wire rope:

Broken wire properties

Single wire breakage: A single wire in a steel wire rope may break due to fatigue, wear, or corrosion. When the single wire fracture reaches a certain degree, it will affect the overall strength and safety of the steel wire rope.

Whole strand breakage: In some cases, the entire strand of steel wire in a wire rope may break or the core may be squeezed out, leading to structural damage to the wire rope. This situation usually indicates that the wire rope has suffered serious damage.

Number of broken wires

Broken wire ratio: The ratio of the number of broken wires in a steel wire rope to its total number of wires is an important evaluation indicator. According to the Safety Regulations for Cranes, when the number of broken wires in the steel wire rope used for electric hoists reaches 10% of the total number of wires in one lay pitch, it should be considered for scrapping and renewal. For example, for a steel wire rope with 6 × 19=114 wires, when the number of broken wires reaches 12, it should be scrapped and updated; For a steel wire rope with 6 × 37=222 wires, it should be scrapped and updated when the number of broken wires reaches 22.

Specific number of broken wires: In addition to considering the proportion of broken wires, sometimes it is also necessary to pay attention to a specific number of broken wires. For example, if the wire rope breaks two wires or exceeds 1% of the total number of wire ropes, it can no longer be used.


Timely inspection: It is very important to regularly check the wire breakage of the electric hoist wire rope, which helps to discover and deal with potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

Compliance with standards: When evaluating whether steel wire ropes need to be scrapped, relevant national standards and regulations should be followed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the evaluation results.

Safety first: In any situation, safety should be given top priority. If there is suspicion of safety hazards with the steel wire rope, it should be immediately stopped from use and replaced.

In summary, the nature and quantity of broken wires in electric hoist wire ropes are key factors in evaluating their safety and service life. By conducting regular inspections, following standards, and adhering to the principle of safety first, the safe operation of electric hoists can be ensured.

The main equipment produced by Hebei Makita: stage electric hoist, electric chian hoistwire rope electric hoistHand chain hoist, lever hoist, pneumatic hoist and other lifting equipment    

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