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Describe the electrical circuit faults and maintenance of electric hoists

releaseTime:2024-07-03 09:00:54source:Mu TiannumberOfPageViews:0

When describing the electrical circuit faults and maintenance of electric hanging baskets (electric hoists), we can provide a detailed explanation from three aspects: fault types, fault cause analysis, and corresponding maintenance measures. The following is a clear breakdown and summary:

1、 Types of electrical circuit faults

Power failure

The power supply is not connected or the plug is not securely plugged in.

Unbalanced three-phase power supply or incorrect phase sequence.

The fuse is blown.

Electrical component failure

The start button is damaged.

Electromagnetic brake failure, such as damaged coils and rectifier blocks.

The thermal relay capacitor is not reset or damaged.

Control components such as contactors and relays are faulty.

Control circuit failure

Control circuit damage or poor contact.

Loose or oxidized electrical contacts.

Indicator lights and display faults

The indicator light is not on, which may be due to the power not being connected, lack of phase power, damaged voltage regulator, or faulty light bulb.

The display screen has no display or abnormal display.

2、 Fault cause analysis

Power failure

May be caused by aging, damage, or improper human operation of the power supply circuit.

Unbalanced three-phase power supply may be caused by grid issues or uneven power distribution.

A blown fuse is usually caused by circuit short circuits, overload, and other reasons.

Electrical component failure

Electrical components may fail due to wear and aging after long-term operation.

Electromagnetic brake failures may be caused by brake pad wear, coil short circuits, and other reasons.

The failure to reset the thermal relay capacitor may be due to the failure to reset it in a timely manner after overload protection.

Control circuit failure

The control circuit may be damaged or have poor contact due to vibration, corrosion, and other reasons during long-term use.

Loose or oxidized electrical contacts can affect the conductivity of the circuit.

3、 Maintenance measures

Regularly check the power supply circuit

Ensure that the power circuit is free from aging or damage, and that the plug is firmly inserted.

Use tools such as a multimeter to check if the three-phase power supply is balanced and if the phase sequence is correct.

Replace damaged electrical components

Regularly check the working status of electrical components, and replace them promptly if there is any damage.

Pay special attention to the maintenance and replacement of key components such as electromagnetic brakes and thermal relays.

Maintain control circuits

Regularly check the integrity and contact of the control circuit, and promptly repair any damage or poor contact.

Keep electrical contacts clean and secure to prevent loosening and oxidation.

Cleaning and maintenance

Regularly clean the dust and debris inside the electrical box, keeping it clean and free of debris.

Check the working status of the indicator lights and display screen, and repair or replace them in a timely manner if there are any abnormalities.

Establish and maintain records

Establish a maintenance file for the electric hanging basket, recording the time, content, and results of each maintenance.

Regularly review maintenance records to ensure that the electric hanging basket is in good working condition.

Train operators

Provide professional training to operators to understand the performance characteristics, operating procedures, and safety precautions of electric hanging baskets.

Emphasize to immediately stop using when electrical faults or abnormal situations are found, and notify professional personnel for maintenance.

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