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Electric digital crane scale with high accuracy shockproof and waterproof

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  • Time:2024-01-04


    Digital crane scales are electronic weighing devices designed for measuring the weight of suspended loads in various industrial and commercial applications. They typically consist of a load cell, electronics, a display unit, and a housing. Here's an overview of how digital crane scales work:

    Load Cell:

    The load cell is a crucial component responsible for converting the force or load applied to it into an electrical signal. In digital crane scales, load cells are often strain gauge-based. Strain gauges are sensors that change their resistance in response to deformation caused by applied force.

    Deformation and Strain:

    When a load is suspended from the crane hook, it causes deformation in the load cell. This deformation leads to a change in the strain on the strain gauges attached to the load cell.

    Strain Gauge Measurement:

    The strain gauges' resistance changes in response to the strain, leading to a corresponding change in electrical resistance. This change is measured by the load cell.

    Wheatstone Bridge Circuit:

    The load cell is often configured in a Wheatstone bridge circuit, a network of four resistors arranged in a diamond shape. The change in resistance in the strain gauges unbalances the bridge circuit.

    Bridge Unbalance and Voltage Output:

    The unbalanced bridge circuit produces a voltage output proportional to the applied load. This analog voltage signal is a representation of the weight of the suspended load.

    Analog-to-Digital Conversion:

    The analog signal is then converted into a digital signal through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This conversion allows the weight measurement to be processed digitally.

    Microprocessor and Digital Signal Processing (DSP):

    The digital signal is processed by a microprocessor or digital signal processor (DSP) within the scale. The processor performs calculations and adjustments to provide an accurate and stable weight reading.

    Display Unit:

    The processed weight information is then sent to the display unit. Digital crane scales typically have an LCD or LED display that shows the weight measurement in the desired units (e.g., kilograms or pounds).

    Additional Features:

    Many digital crane scales come equipped with additional features such as tare functionality (zeroing out the weight of the container), peak hold (capturing and displaying the maximum weight), and communication interfaces for data transmission.

    Power Source:

    Digital crane scales are powered by batteries or, in some cases, external power sources. The power source provides the necessary energy for the electronics and display unit to function.

    Digital crane scales are known for their accuracy, reliability, and ease of use. They are widely used in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, construction, and warehousing for tasks that involve lifting and weighing suspended loads.



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