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Product Detail

Explosion-proof lever hoist manual hoist

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  • Explosion-proof lever hoist |
  • Time:2024-03-22


    An explosion-proof lever hoist is a specialized lifting device designed for safe operation in environments where the presence of flammable gases, vapors, dust, or fibers poses a risk of explosion. Lever hoists, also known as ratchet lever hoists or come-alongs, are manually operated lifting tools that utilize a lever mechanism to lift and lower loads.

    Explosion-proof lever hoists share many features with their electric and hand chain counterparts but are specifically engineered to prevent ignition sources in hazardous environments. Here's an introduction to their key characteristics:

    Enclosed Construction: Like other explosion-proof lifting equipment, explosion-proof lever hoists are constructed with sealed enclosures to prevent sparks or heat generated during operation from igniting flammable substances in the surrounding atmosphere.

    Explosion-proof Components: These hoists are equipped with components designed to minimize the risk of ignition, including spark-resistant materials for critical parts such as hooks, gears, and chains. Sealed bearings and fittings help prevent the entry of flammable substances into the hoist mechanism.

    Corrosion Resistance: To withstand harsh environments, explosion-proof lever hoists are often made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel or aluminum. This ensures durability and reliability in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and mining.

    Certification: Explosion-proof lever hoists must meet strict safety standards and regulations set forth by organizations like OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) or ATEX (ATmosphere EXplosible) in Europe. Certification ensures that the hoists meet the necessary safety requirements for use in hazardous environments.

    Manual Operation: Lever hoists are manually operated, eliminating the need for electrical power sources and reducing the risk of electrical sparks. This makes explosion-proof lever hoists suitable for use in environments where electrically powered equipment is prohibited.

    Safe Operating Practices: Proper training and adherence to safety protocols are essential when using explosion-proof lever hoists. Users must be aware of the specific hazards present in their environment and follow guidelines for safe operation and maintenance.

    Explosion-proof lever hoists provide a safe and reliable solution for lifting and lowering loads in hazardous environments where traditional lifting equipment could pose a significant risk. By incorporating robust engineering principles and adherence to stringent safety standards, these hoists help ensure the safety of workers and the integrity of operations in explosive atmospheres.

    The main equipment produced by Hebei Makita: stage electric hoist, electric hoist, manual hoist, lever hoist, pneumatic hoist and other lifting equipment

    Explosion-proof lever hoist technical parameters.png



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